EMC Concerns-Try Pre-Compliance Testing!
EMC Concerns-Try Pre-Compliance Testing! I am a worrier, I worry about any type of test that I am facing. It can be my physical, a licensing examination, you name it, I’ll worry about it! My mother always felt that proper preparation was far better than worrying about the test. I agree with her approach in preparing for tests. She maintains that constant preparation leading up to the test is the best way to approach a test. I know from my personal experience that “practice tests” can prepare a person for examination. The same is true about EMC Testing for devices! It is very true that every electronic device must pass Final EMC Testing in order to be marketed.
EMC Concerns-Try Pre-Compliance Testing! Worrying about the Final EMC Testing will not prepare your device for the test. Pre-Compliance Testing will help you tweak the design of your product as you develop it. Finding the EMC “weak spots” during product development allows you to resolve the problem BEFORE you fail the test. Given the cost of Final EMC Testing, it is smart practice to take steps to have your product ready for the Final EMC Testing! It is just like studying for a test in school, study is a worthy investment to make in preparing for the exam.
EMC Concerns-Try Pre-Compliance Testing! The equipment necessary for Pre-Compliance Testing is available for purchase, lease, or rental, depending on your preference. Once you are regularly practicing this testing method, you’ll wish you did it earlier. VTT is the world’s leader in manufacturing RF Shielded Enclosures, which provide the ideal Pre-Compliance testing environment. Call us for more information on how to incorporate this valuable tool into your product development process!
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