Conductivity, Flexibility, Durability-TPU Yarn!"!

Conductivity, Flexibility, and Durability-TPU Yarn!

Conductivity, Flexibility, and Durability-TPU Yarn!  We usually think of metallic wires to carry current in electronics.  When we talk about smart clothing, metal wire has many drawbacks.   Flexibility is very important in clothing, people move in many directions, wire doesn't!  Wire is great with conductivity, but not great at repetitive flexing!  In fact, constant flexing causes stress cracks and failure of metal wires, which is not acceptable in smart clothing. Clothing has to move smoothly and comfortably, paralleling the movement...
Conductivity, Flexibility, Durability-TPU Yarn!"!

TPU Wire-a Conductive Yarn “Wire”!

TPU Wire-a Conductive Yarn "Wire"!  TPU "Wire" is a silver metalized yarn with Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) coat that acts as an insulator.  Silver is the most conductive element, making it logical to use where conductivity is important.  TPU is important for insulation purposes in low voltage wire systems.  The flexibility of both the yarn and TPU creates a benefit not found in metal wires.  Metal wires are not the best conductors to use when the wire is subject to frequent...
Maker Education

What is Maker Education, What does it Accomplish?

What is Maker Education, What does it accomplish?  Maker Education is a project-based learning experience.  It incorporates hands-on experiences along with didactic learning, facilitating education.  The projects focus on problem solving by having students take a project from concept to reality.  Maker Education involves integrating several educational areas:  Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM).  The project could teach the roles of science of electricity, the technology and engineering of a circuit, the art of a light display, and the...
TPU Yarn a Conductive Yarn "Wire"!

What is TPU Wire? What is TPU Wire used for?

What is TPU Wire?

The answer is simple.  TPU "wire" is really a silver metalized yarn coated with Thermoplastic PolyUrethane (TPU) as an insulator.  We usually think of "wire" as a solid metal cylinder that carries current.  In this case, the silver metalized yarn has all of the conductive properties of a wire due to silver's excellent conductivity, except that it isn't solid and due to the textile properties of a yarn, it can flex easily.  This flexibility makes the the...
Metalized Textiles many Diverse Applications!

Smart Clothing Requires Conductive Metalized Fabric, Yarns and Threads, How Could You Use them in Your Business?

Most of us are aware of individual sensors that are placed on our bodies to collect biometric data such as: pulse rate, temperature, heart rhythm (ECG/EKG ElectroCardioGram), respiration, oxygen saturation, muscle stretch, brain electrical activity (EEG or ElectroEncephaloGraphy), and physical movement at the doctor's office, during surgery, or wearing a monitor to confirm the function of the system being monitored.  We can even buy sensors that we can put into direct contact with our skin to track these functions at...

Statex and V Technical Textiles Announce the Availability of a New Textile-Based Circuitry Technique

V Technical Textiles, Inc. and our European Partner, Statex Produktions-und Vertriebs GmbH, and have announced the availability of a Selective Plating Technique, a joint technology developed by our European Partner Statex and Laird Performance Materials.  This technology will not only create the ability to selectively silver plate an electrically conductive pattern or circuit on to both sides of a flexible fabric substrate but literally through all three dimensions of the fabric, including top and bottom sides and the fabric in...