Reopening America, How Will We Really Know when it’s Safe?
As we strive to outwait and outwit this virus, it seems that many people are losing their patience and saying "let the future be damned, let's get back to work or we will be ruined". Certainly, the stresses of this pandemic have put several different types of pressures and stresses on Americans: Financial, Depression, and Fear to mention a few. The biggest one for many people seems to be financial. We have had the great good fortune of a great...
COVID-19, Another Week, Another Surprise! Hold on to Your Masks!
COVID-19 is one complex virus, each week we learn something new about COVID-19. Usually, the surprise is another thing that adds to the difficulty in dealing with this Pandemic. As you know by now, the CDC is recommending that everyone, whether they have symptoms or not, cover their face with a mask or cloth covering whenever social distancing is difficult. This is not to say that you should wear a mask wherever you go, but to wear one in places...
Medical Masks, We’ve Come a Long Way, but More Change is Needed Now!
The Bubonic Plague, which rolled over the world from China, the Middle East, Russia, and Europe was the deadliest epidemic in human history. It claimed an estimated 150 million human lives. It started in China and when the bacterium Yersinia pestis hitched a ride inside of fleas on rodents, and was transferred to humans via flea bites, leaving death and economic disaster in its wake. The "Plague Doctors" who treated the infected people were well intentioned, but also completely useless...
You’re Doing a Great Job “Flattening the Curve”, VTT’s Antimicrobial Products can Make it Easier!
Our Basic Skills are Good, Continue the Great Work and Strive to Improve Your Routine!
Consider where our country was a month ago, COVID-19 was well into our country's fabric of life. It has been estimated that a person with the infection spreads the infection to 2.5 people in 30 days if they follow the mitigation methods mentioned below and 406 people in 30 days if they don't adhere to the following mitigation methods! Mitigation methods work!! Social Distancing Covering sneezes. ...
As of 04/17/2020, Face Masks are a Must in New York State, Buy Your Mask from Us or DIY with CDC Instructions
As of Friday, April 17, 2020, New York has made the wearing of Face Masks MANDATORY in situations where Social Distancing is not easily accomplished. V Technical Textiles, Inc. wants you to be safe during this COVID-19 Pandemic. So, at this time, VTT will provide you with the CDC Do-It-Yourself Instructions for making a Cloth Based Face Mask with elastic or tie retention via an active link at the bottom of this page . You can also buy pre-cut Antimicrobial...
Sometimes Disaster Shows Us How to Prepare Ourselves for the Future.
The COVID-19 Pandemic caught us unprepared for the level of the disaster that it represented. We thought that we could "handle it" and that it wouldn't be as bad for the United States as it was for those in other countries. We were awakened from our naïve slumber roughly when COVID-19 reached our country. We were caught without an adequate amount of medical supplies and equipment to allow our first responders and medical centers to deal with the high volume...
COVID-19 Stays on Surfaces for a Long Time, Surface and Contact Management Techniques will Slow the Spread of the Virus
COVID-19 is Stable in a Favorable Environment for a Long Time
Over the last few weeks, we have learned about the longevity of COVID-19 on various surfaces. Here are several examples of surfaces and times that this virus can remain infectious: Outside of a Surgical Mask: Up to 168 Hours (1 Week)!!! Plastic and Steel: 72-96 Hours (4 Days) Standard Laboratory Jacket: 48 Hours (2 Days) Glass and Paper Currency: 24-48 Hours (1-3 Days) Copper: 4 Hours Printing and Tissue Paper: ...
Masks are Great to Help Prevent Passing on COVID-19, “Surfaces” Should also be Considered in your Protection Strategy as Well!
Since the beginning of this pandemic, we've been stressing the use of Face Masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The mass response of people beginning to do this is amazing. V Technical Textiles, Inc.'s Silverell® Cotton Jersey Face Mask helps to lower the chance of being infected by inhaling contaminated bioaerosols expelled by others. The fit of these masks is better than the paper masks, resulting in better adaptation to the face and a better seal and The...