Shaken or Stirred-Reverberation Chamber Choices!

Shaken or Stirred-Reverberation Chamber Choices!

Shaken or Stirred-Reverberation Chamber Choices!  Reverberation chambers are essential tools in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing.  They create a diffuse, non-directional electromagnetic environment that accurately simulates real-world conditions.  These chambers use signal stirrers and/or vibrating walls to scatter electromagnetic waves, ensuring uniform field distribution.  When choosing a reverberation enclosure, understanding the differences between hard sided and soft sided options is crucial.  Hard-sided enclosures are typically constructed from rigid materials like metal, which provide excellent durability and long-term stability. ...
EMC Testing Military Devices-Operational Integrity!!

EMC Testing Military Devices-Operational Integrity!

EMC Testing Military Devices-Operational Integrity!  In the realm of military technology, the integrity of devices such as weapons, GPS systems, navigation tools and communication systems is paramount!  To maintain this integrity, annual Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing is essential.  EMC testing ensures that military devices can operate effectively in their electromagnetic environment without causing or suffering from interference that could compromise their functionality.  Many of these systems operate in the lower frequency spectrum, making them particularly susceptible to...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing results in Robust Products!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Essential!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Essential!  In the realm of electronic product development, ensuring that a product meets all necessary standards before reaching the market is crucial.  One vital aspect of the process is Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing.  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing, performed during the design phase, offers numerous benefits that can save time, money, and headaches later on.  Here are some of the benefits: Early Detection of Issues- Pre-Compliance EMC Testing allows developers to identify potential electromagnetic interference (EMI) early in...
Team Shieldex is Attending IEEEMC in Pheonix AZ!

Team Shieldex is Attending IEEE EMC+SIPI in Phoenix, AZ!

Stop by Booth #424 at the IEEE EMC +SIPI in Phoenix, AZ, the premier show of the year in our field of expertise and meet Team shieldex:  Shawn DeCook and Thomas Santelli from V Technical Textiles, Inc., and Kira Schweigert from shieldex.  Learn about our Conductive Metalized Textiles and the many creative uses that exist for them!  These textiles combine excellent Shielding Effectiveness (SE) with light weight and adaptability in tight...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth it!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth it!  In the fast-paced world of electronics and technology, ensuring that your product meets regulatory standards is crucial.  One key aspect often not addressed is Pre-Compliance Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing.  This proactive step can save time, money, and stress in the long run, making it well worth the investment.  EMC testing will help you manufacture a product that operates without causing or falling victim to electromagnetic interference.  While full compliance testing...
Infrared Reflecting Metalized Textiles Stealth and Security!

Infrared Reflecting Metalized Textiles- Stealth and Security!

Infrared Reflecting Metalized Textiles-Stealth and Security!  In the dynamic landscape of modern warfare and law enforcement, staying one step ahead of adversaries is very important!  One innovation in these sectors is the integration of infrared reflecting metalized textiles into their "toolbox".  These materials bring several benefits, particularly enhancing stealth, protection, and overall operational effectiveness to military and law enforcement personnel.  At the forefront of these applications is the role of metalized textiles in camouflage. ...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!  in product development, ensuring that electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is crucial.  EMC testing assesses the product's ability to function correctly without emitting harmful electromagnetic interference (EMI). without being affected by external electromagnetic fields.  Incorporating Pre-Compliance EMC early and often during development can yield significant benefits, transforming potential roadblocks into opportunities for innovation and efficiency.  Pre-Compliance EMC testing identifies potential EMC issues early in the development cycle.  By detecting problems early, engineers...
Innovating EMC Testing-Inflatable Frames for RF Shielded Enclosures!

Innovating EMC Testing-Inflatable Frames for RF Shielded Enclosures!

Innovating EMC Testing, Inflatable Frames for RF Shielded Enclosures.  In the realm of EMC testing where precision is paramount, inflatable frames for RF Shielded Enclosures are emerging as game-changers.  These structures, utilizing flexible, airtight materials, are revolutionizing testing environments with their scalability and portability.  Created using durable materials and reinforced with strong fibers, inflatable frames provide the skeleton for RF Shielded enclosures.  The frame supports RF Shielded Enclosures fabricated incorporating conductive fabrics containing copper...
Innovative Applications of Metalized Textiles!

Metalized Textiles in RF Shielding-Powerhouses!

Metalized Textiles in RF Shielding-Powerhouses!  In RF Shielding, metalized textiles have revolutionized electromagnetic protection.  They fulfill the RF Engineer's dream due to their light weight, flexibility, adaptability, and above all, unparalleled Shielding Effectiveness in shielding against electromagnetic interference (EMI).  Their unique composition of metal and textile, seamlessly combining metal's high conductivity with reflective capabilities, while retaining the pliability and maneuverability of traditional textiles.  This mix creates a material that not only bends to fit complex geometries, but stands firmly, blocking...
RF Shielded Megastructures in Product Deveolpment!

Megastructures- RF Shielded Enclosures for Giants!

Megastructures- RF Shielded Enclosures for Giants!  You've heard me say it before, VTT will design and assemble the RF Shielded Enclosure to fit your specific needs.  We start by meeting with our customer, learning their requirements.  Next, we design the enclosure, working with the customer to create the enclosure that will meet their specific needs.  Options include: Shielding Effectiveness (SE), lighting, environmental control (Air Conditioning and/or ventilation), doors/lift walls, input/output, RF Filtered Power.  Once we determine  the customer's needs, we...