Reverberation Chambers

Shaken or Stirred-Reverberation Chamber Choices!

Shaken or Stirred-Reverberation Chamber Choices!

Shaken or Stirred-Reverberation Chamber Choices!  Reverberation chambers are essential tools in Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing.  They create a diffuse, non-directional electromagnetic environment that accurately simulates real-world conditions.  These chambers use signal stirrers and/or vibrating walls to scatter electromagnetic waves, ensuring uniform field distribution.  When choosing a reverberation enclosure, understanding the differences between hard sided and soft sided options is crucial.  Hard-sided enclosures are typically constructed from rigid materials like metal, which provide excellent durability and long-term stability. ...
Soft Sided Reverberation Chamber

The Advantages of Reverberation Chambers!

The Advantages of Reverberation Chambers!  Reverberation chambers are specialized RF Shielded enclosures, useful in testing emissions and susceptibility of electronic devices to electromagnetic interference (EMI).  These chambers are crucial in ensuring that electronic devices operate correctly in environments of high levels of electromagnetic activity.  Our product, the Soft Sided Vibrating Intrinsic Reverberation Chamber, represents a significant advancement in this field.  Unlike traditional rigid-walled chambers, our reverberation chamber features walls made of conductive metalized textiles. ...
RF Shielded Enclosures-Enhance Product Development!

RF Shielded Testing Enclosures, We have the right one for You!

RF Shielded Testing Enclosures-what are they?

RF Shielded EMC Testing Enclosures are based on the theory of the "Faraday Cage", pioneered by Michael Faraday in 1836.  A Faraday Cage is made of a conductive metal mesh or solid conductive metal plates that will not allow external electric fields to enter the area that the cage encloses.  Our RF Shielded EMC Testing Enclosures are made of metalized conductive textiles, making them easy to assemble, lightweight and portable.

RF Shielded Testing Enclosures-what are...

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-many Benefits!

Reverberation Chambers Two Styles, One Great EMC Testing Method!

Reverberation Chambers, Two Styles, one Great EMC Testing Method!  EMC Testing is typically done in metal lined testing chambers.  The metal blocks any exterior RF noise from entering the testing chamber, interfering with the EMC testing that you are performing.  It's just the Device Under Testing (DUT) and the applied frequencies that are used in the test.  The problem is, the metal that keeps the "ambient noise out" allows reflection of the testing frequencies off the inside walls of the...
The Advantages of Reverberation Chambers!

The Reverberation Chamber is a very useful Tool in Automotive Testing!

The Reverberation Chamber is a very useful Tool in Automotive Testing!

The Reverberation Chamber is a very useful tool in Automotive Testing.  This is especially true in the ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) area.  Automotive Industry is constantly increasing its EMC standards.  The tests in the Automotive Industry are the ISO 114 52-2, CISPR-25, and the EN 61000-4-21 tests.  United States based vehicle manufacturers market their vehicles worldwide, so these standards are always incorporated in their basic company standards. These standards are increasing in...