Automotive EMC Testing

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing in Autonomous Cars!

Conductive Metalized Textiles in the Automotive Industry!

Conductive Metalized Textiles in the Automotive Industry!  The automotive industry is increasingly integrating conductive metalized textiles to enhance performance, safety, and the user experience.  These advanced materials offer versatile solutions, making them invaluable in modern vehicle designing.  One of their most notable uses is in EMI/RFI shielding, essential for protecting sensitive electronic systems in electric and autonomous vehicles.  By reducing electromagnetic interference, metallized textiles ensure the reliability of the vehicle sensors, communications systems, and onboard computers.  In...
Megastructure RF Shielded Enclosures- Revolutionary

Megastructure RF Shielded Enclosures-Revolutionary!

Megastructure RF Shielded Enclosures-Revolutionary!  The development of large, high-tech devices often hinges on meeting stringent Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards.  Megastructure RF Shielded Enclosures are truly game-changing solutions.  Their design facilitates seamless EMC testing during the developmental process, thereby avoiding costly post-production modifications.  These expansive enclosures include state of the art features ensuring efficiency and adaptability.  Lighting systems, improve visibility without compromising the shielding effectiveness of the enclosure, maintaining a low ambient environment for testing. ...
Team Shieldex is Attending IEEEMC in Pheonix AZ!

Team Shieldex is Attending IEEE EMC+SIPI in Phoenix, AZ!

Stop by Booth #424 at the IEEE EMC +SIPI in Phoenix, AZ, the premier show of the year in our field of expertise and meet Team shieldex:  Shawn DeCook and Thomas Santelli from V Technical Textiles, Inc., and Kira Schweigert from shieldex.  Learn about our Conductive Metalized Textiles and the many creative uses that exist for them!  These textiles combine excellent Shielding Effectiveness (SE) with light weight and adaptability in tight...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth it!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth it!  In the fast-paced world of electronics and technology, ensuring that your product meets regulatory standards is crucial.  One key aspect often not addressed is Pre-Compliance Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing.  This proactive step can save time, money, and stress in the long run, making it well worth the investment.  EMC testing will help you manufacture a product that operates without causing or falling victim to electromagnetic interference.  While full compliance testing...
Soft Sided Reverberation Chamber

The Advantages of Reverberation Chambers!

The Advantages of Reverberation Chambers!  Reverberation chambers are specialized RF Shielded enclosures, useful in testing emissions and susceptibility of electronic devices to electromagnetic interference (EMI).  These chambers are crucial in ensuring that electronic devices operate correctly in environments of high levels of electromagnetic activity.  Our product, the Soft Sided Vibrating Intrinsic Reverberation Chamber, represents a significant advancement in this field.  Unlike traditional rigid-walled chambers, our reverberation chamber features walls made of conductive metalized textiles. ...
Innovating EMC Testing-Inflatable Frames for RF Shielded Enclosures!

Innovating EMC Testing-Inflatable Frames for RF Shielded Enclosures!

Innovating EMC Testing, Inflatable Frames for RF Shielded Enclosures.  In the realm of EMC testing where precision is paramount, inflatable frames for RF Shielded Enclosures are emerging as game-changers.  These structures, utilizing flexible, airtight materials, are revolutionizing testing environments with their scalability and portability.  Created using durable materials and reinforced with strong fibers, inflatable frames provide the skeleton for RF Shielded enclosures.  The frame supports RF Shielded Enclosures fabricated incorporating conductive fabrics containing copper...
RF Shielded Enclosures-Great Testing!

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures-Great for Testing!

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures-Great for Testing!  Testing electronic products for electromagnetic compatibility requires a low ambient environment.  Soft sided RF Shielded Enclosures provide the ideal environment for this critical testing.  The enclosures, constructed using conductive metalized textiles, are also lightweight and portable, allowing the enclosure to come to the Device Under Testing (DUT).  Better still, these enclosures are designed to the specific requirements of our customers, for the testing environment necessary.  There are many...
Minimizing RF Radiation Exposure!-RF Shielded Garments!

The Vital Role of RF Shielding!

The Vital Role of RF Shielding!  In our increasingly interconnected world, the reliance on wireless technology has grown exponentially.  From smartphones and IoT gadgets to 5G networks, these innovations have made our lives more convenient and efficient.  This proliferation comes with a new challenge:  managing the radio frequency (RF) spectrum effectively.  RF Shielding is the practice of using materials and design to block or reduce electromagnetic radiation in the RF spectrum.  Its primary purpose is to prevent electromagnetic interference (EMI)...
Roles for Conductive Textiles in Electronic Vehicles!

Shielding EVs- try Conductive Textiles!

Shielding EVs-try Conductive Textiles!  When it comes to shielding Electronic Vehicles (EVs) from Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), conductive textiles offer several advantages based on their structure.  These thin, lightweight, and flexible materials are perfectly designed to mitigate EMI while considering the unique requirements of EVs.  Conductive metalized textiles provide design flexibility, allowing them to conform to various shapes and contours within an EV.  This versatility enables engineers to customize shielding solutions for complex areas.  Conductive textiles are great...
RF Shielded Enclosures-Great Testing!

EMC Testing and RF Shielding-Related!

EMC Testing and RF Shielding-Related!  EMC testing determines whether an electronic device will be able to work optimally with other devices in a shared electromagnetic environment.  There are two issues that EMC testing evaluates, radiated emissions and susceptibility to RF emissions.  Every electronic device radiates RF emissions into its environment.  There are standard levels of emission that each class of product may emit.  If the emissions exceed the standard, the device will require modifications to reduce its...