What is Maker Education, What does it Accomplish?

Maker Education

What is Maker Education, What does it Accomplish?

What is Maker Education, What does it accomplish?  Maker Education is a project-based learning experience.  It incorporates hands-on experiences along with didactic learning, facilitating education.  The projects focus on problem solving by having students take a project from concept to reality.  Maker Education involves integrating several educational areasScience, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM).  The project could teach the roles of science of electricity, the technology and engineering of a circuit, the art of a light display, and the math involved in calculations involved in creating a successful project.  By learning about it in cross-curricular methods, the students could understand the melding of the separate technologies to create a single integrated project.

What is Maker Education, What does it accomplish?  As illustrated above, Maker Education combines a number of teaching objectives into a single project.  Hands on learning also engages more memory of what is learned and may be easier than straight book or lecture learning.  The students also learn critical thinking as they evaluate their projects, seeing how they could “do it better” the next time.  Ultimately, Maker Education achieves active engagement of the students by giving them a “problem to solve”.  If the project is done by a group, it also shows the benefit of teamwork and determination to achieve success, an important life lesson.

What is Maker Education, What does it accomplish?  Maker Education is important to stimulate individual thought.  In the early grades, it is mostly a basic combination of the various curriculums with simpler projects.  The projects should grow in difficulty and complexity, as the students advance in manual skills and knowledge of theory and curriculum.  The goal is to gradually advance in complexity, design, and execution of the design, all the while inspiring the students, who will be the next generation of inventors and world changers.

Hopefully, you have grasped the concept of Maker Education and the blending of curriculums it entails so that students can see how interrelated the various educational fields are in real life, and the importance of a broad-based understanding of them.

V Technical Textiles, Inc. offers many of the conductive threads, wires, and fabrics that are used in the Maker Education projects and is willing to help you in your selection of these materials for your projects!

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