Pre-Compliance EMC Testing at “Home” Works!

Soft-Sided RF Shielded Enclosures-Testing with Precision!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing at “Home” Works!

EMC Pre-Compliance Testing at “Home” Works!  Everyone knows that every new electronic device has to pass EMC Final Compliance Testing prior to marketing.  Final Compliance Testing is available at certified testing centers.  Pre-Compliance EMC testing, done at “home” during the developmental process, prepares new devices for EMC Final Compliance testing.  Proceeding in this fashion, saves travel time and money, at the same time eliminating potential “failure points”.  Eliminating “failure points” in development increases the chances of passing EMC Final Compliance Testing on the first attempt.  Obviously, decreasing development time gets the product to market faster!

EMC Pre-Compliance Testing at “Home” Works!  The key difference between Pre-Compliance EMC Testing and EMC Final Compliance Testing is the use of a more formal anechoic chamber in Final EMC Compliance Testing.  In Pre-Compliance Testing, the low ambient testing chamber is an RF Shielded Enclosure.  The difference between the two chambers is that the anechoic chamber has absorbers on the walls to prevent the reflection of electromagnetic waves.  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing is a low risk, cost effective method of assuring that your device will pass EMC Final Compliance Testing.  Obviously, trusting that your device will pass Final Compliance Testing without Pre-Compliance Testing is very risky.  This due to the high cost of the Final Compliance Test and the likelihood that your device will need expensive design corrections and another EMC Final Compliance Test if it doesn’t pass the first one.

EMC Pre-Compliance Testing at “Home” Works!  Performing Pre-Compliance EMC Testing in your own facility during product development will save you time and money!  VTT is the World Leader in construction of RF Shielded Enclosures for use in Pre-Compliance EMC Testing.  Pre-Compliance Testing Enclosures and other necessary supplies for performing testing in your own facility are available for purchase or lease.  Once you discover the many benefits of Pre-Compliance Testing, it will become your standard practice!

V Technical Textiles, Inc.

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Pre-Compliance EMC Testing at Home Works!            Pre-Compliance EMC Testing at Home Works!          Pre-Compliance EMC Testing Works


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