Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing- Beneficial!

Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development!

Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development.  It’s true, the best way to develop an EMC compliant product is to build compliance into it from day one!  The EMC standards are specific and defined by regional, international, national, agencies.  They are defined by the type of product and the location(s) where the product will be used.  For each industry, there are different standards that apply to the amount of EMI/RFI a device can emit.  ALL electrical devices produce electromagnetic fields that interfere with their own performance as well as nearby devices in the shared electromagnetic environment.

Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development!  Manufacturers comply with EMC Standards by reducing EMI/RFI with proper grounding, EMI Filtering, and EMI Shielding technology applied to their own devices, which makes them more durable.  The best way to assure that the product is EMC Compliant is to perform Pre-Compliance EMC Testing during product development.  This practice raises the probability that the product will pass the Final Compliance EMC Testing at a registered testing facility.  Testing often during development catches EMC issues, allowing corrective action to be taken early, speeding development of the product.  Pre-Compliance testing also exposes the devices to RFI and EMI up to the level of the standards, making sure that an environment that is “up to standards” will allow the devices to function optimally.

Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development.  Pre-Compliance testing requires a tripod-mounted calibrated EMI antenna, a spectrum analyzer with EMC Pre-Compliance Software, and a pre-amplifier.  An RF Shielded Enclosure provides the perfect low ambient environment for EMC Testing. This equipment is readily available for purchasing, renting, or leasing.  Please contact VTT for information about Pre-Compliance EMC Testing and help in implementing this time and money saving technique!

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Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development!           Best Practice-EMC Development During Development!                    Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development!

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