Is your Device Compatible? Test It!
Is your Device Compatible-Test It! In order to be marketable, electronic devices must pass EMC Final Compliance Testing at a certified testing facility. Obviously, that is one way to find out if your device is EMC Standard compliant. It may not be the best way to find out. Certified Testing appointments are expensive, and there is often a long wait for the appointment. Optimally, The best way to find out if your device is ready for the Final Compliance test is to prepare your device for the final Compliance test during product development at your own facility! Pre-Compliance Testing involves testing the device for EMC along the path of development and correcting potential EMC failure points during development, not after failure of the Final EMC Compliance test.
Is your Device Compatible-Test it! Testing requires an RF Shielded Testing Enclosure, which provides the low ambient RF level required to perform the Pre-Compliance EMC testing. Additionally, the minimum requirements include a real time Spectrum Analyzer, Preamplifier, a calibrated Antenna and Tripod, cables, and a turntable. You must know the classification of your product, where you plan to market your product. This information will help you determine the applicable EMC standards for your product and plan your testing. Including Pre-Compliance EMC Testing in the development of your product saves you time and costly rework during product development and reduces time to market.
Is your Device Compatible-Test It! V Technical Textiles, Inc. is the world leader in RF Shielded Enclosure technology and production. Please contact us to find out more about performing Pre-Compliance EMC testing in your facility, saving you time and money in the development of your product, preparing it for Final EMC Compliance testing!
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