Sensors are Everywhere! What can they do for You?
Sensors are Everywhere! What can they do for You? I have used this platform to talk about them in the past. I’ve talked about their use in automobiles, medicine, and personal safety. This time, I’m going to speak about their use in sports! It’s getting near the time for the Super Bowl. Football is a sport that sensors can help improve several ways. We’ve all heard and seen the concern about concussions in football. Concussions have ended many football careers and are being researched constantly. Sensors placed inside helmets can help in the design of more protective helmets. During training, player’s biometrics can be measured and monitored by sensors. Most sensors are lightweight and small enough not to impede performance. They can relay important information to the trainers, making the game safer.
Sensors are everywhere! What can they do for you? They are also used for training in the game of golf. They determine the clubhead speed at impact, ball rotation, trajectory, and the shape of the shot. Sensors can be used in “golf swing analysis and tuning”. For instance, they can monitor the golf grip, stance, and pressure. “Smart Clothing” can capture the golf swing in great detail. This technology allows the coach to “optimize” the golfer’s swing. These tools can’t be used in a “competitive golf round”. Using them would be an “unfair advantage” according to the Rules of Golf. Pros definitely use these tools in training for game improvement!
If form and technique are important in a sport, sensors can help. Name your sport, yoga, track, and baseball, wearable sensors can help in training! They can also make sports venues safer. Smoke detectors protect the people at the event. Golf Courses, Outdoor arenas and stadiums have lightning detectors for protecting fans.
Remember, sensors are devices that measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it. Many are made with metalized conductive textiles and highly conductive yarns. Their high conductivity assures smooth data transmission. Their light weight and flexibility make them comfortable in clothing. I’ve listed a number of uses for sensors in sports above. How can you use them in your business? Please contact V Technical Textiles, Inc. and see how they can work for you!
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