EMC Testing “Early and Often”, makes great Sense in Product Development!
EMC Testing “Early and Often” makes great sense in product development! In today’s environment of complex electronic devices, EMC is paramount! All the components must work smoothly together to make a great product! Too much RF noise can decrease the function of a device. EVERY device emits RF/EMI noise. There are EMC standards in every industry, automotive, aerospace, and the military. A device must live up to the appropriate EMC standards in order to be used.
EMC Testing “Early and Often” makes great sense in product development! Testing done early and often during development, makes correction of problems easier. There are three important standards in EMC Testing:
- Emission– There is a level of RF Emission that can’t be exceeded by the device. Devices emitting interference above this level are “emitters”. A Shielding Solution must be applied to contain this emission.
- Susceptibility– There is a level of RF Emission below which the device must be able to function normally. If the device is “susceptible” to this RF Emission, a Shielding Solution must be applied to reduce susceptibility.
- Immunity– There must be a range of RF Emission that does not affect the device’s function. The device must be “immune” to these emissions.
EMC Testing “Early and Often” makes great sense in product development. EMC Testing Centers are expensive and have full schedules. Add to that the cost of travel to and time spent at the testing center. Pre-Compliance testing can be accomplished in your own facility. Doing the testing at your facility saves money during development. V Technical Textiles, Inc. fabricates Portable RF Shielded Testing Enclosures. These enclosures provide the low-ambient RF environment required for testing. This allows performance of EMC testing at your site and on your schedule! This can save precious time and money in product development. The beauty of these RF Shielded Enclosures is their portability. Enclosures can be easily set up when needed for testing and taken down when not in use, as shown below.
The EMC enclosures are made to satisfy your specific requirements of size, Shielding Effectiveness, and many other options. Please contact us to find out how one of our RF Shielded EMC Testing Enclosures will benefit you!
V Technical Textiles, Inc.
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