Smart Development includes Pre-Compliance Testing!
Smart Development includes Pre-Compliance Testing! During product development, it is smart to consider EMC Pre-Compliance Testing. Every electronic device must pass Final EMC Compliance Testing prior to going to market. Failure of this test means “back to the drawing board” for your product for “tweaking” prior to making it to the market. The quicker the Testing is successfully completed, the faster it can be marketed! Another great reason for testing early and often during development is that Pre-Compliance testing makes passing the Final Compliance Testing on the first attempt much more likely. Considering the hefty cost of the Final Compliance Testing, preparing to pass the test on the first try saves a lot of money!
Smart Development includes Pre-Compliance Testing! Failure of Final Compliance Testing means trying to locate the reason for the failure will be hard, as backtracking through many steps is very time consuming. Pre-Compliance Testing is actually building EMC into the device during the development, rather than after the fact! The process saves time AND money! Pre-Compliance testing takes place in your own facility. The equipment required for Pre-Compliance Testing is readily available for rent, lease, or purchase! The necessary equipment includes: a real time spectrum analyzer, an RF Shielded Testing Enclosure, a pre-amplifier, an antenna with tripod and cables, a turntable and EMC testing Software.
Smart Development includes Pre-Compliance Testing! Considering the benefits of Pre-Compliance Testing, it is obviously an important part of the product development process. Preparing the devices for the Final EMC Compliance Testing is much smarter than waiting until the product is complete, only to have to redesign it in order to pass the Final Compliance Testing! Contact us if you’re interested in trying Pre-Compliance EMC Testing!
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