Wellness-does Clothing play a Role?

Holistic Health uses for Metalized Textiles!

Wellness-does Clothing play a Role?

Wellness-does Clothing play a Role?  Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.  I like this definition because it allows people to be “well” though they may be clinically “sick”.  V Technical Textiles, Inc. markets “Wellness Clothing”.  I do believe that clothing can play a factor in wellness.  Clothing can make people feel better about themselves by providing them comfort and a positive self-image.  Our “Wellness Clothing” makes people feel healthy and allows them to relax.

Wellness-does Clothing play a Role?  Our Silverell® garments are enriched with pure silver giving these garments interesting physiological benefits that play a role in “Wellness”.  Electrically conductive fabric increases blood circulation, giving the wearer energy when tired, at the same time providing a relaxed feeling.  Silver is the most conductive element and distribute the body’s natural heat throughout the garment, eliminating “hot and cold spots” creating a comfortable uniform temperature.  Silver has g been known to speed healing of minor scrapes, cuts, and burns, reducing swelling and inflammation of these injuries.  Garments containing silver are resistant to mold, mildew, and bacterial odors, though they don’t provide protection to the wearer against bacterial infections.

Wellness-does Clothing play a Role?  In today’s wireless rich environment, there is concern about exposure to RFI and EMI.   Human Beings are essentially electronic devices. Electronic devices use shielding to allow them to function in a high RF environment.  RF Shielding contains silver,  protecting devices from excessive RF.  Our Shielding Garments achieve a Shielding Effectiveness of 35-40 dB from 900 MHz-5GHz, representing a 99.99% reduction of exposure to covered body areas of the wearers.  Try our Wellness Garments and see if they increase your well-being!

V Technical Textiles, Inc.



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