COVID-19 Stays on Surfaces for a Long Time, Surface and Contact Management Techniques will Slow the Spread of the Virus
COVID-19 is Stable in a Favorable Environment for a Long Time
Over the last few weeks, we have learned about the longevity of COVID-19 on various surfaces. Here are several examples of surfaces and times that this virus can remain infectious:
- Outside of a Surgical Mask: Up to 168 Hours (1 Week)!!!
- Plastic and Steel: 72-96 Hours (4 Days)
- Standard Laboratory Jacket: 48 Hours (2 Days)
- Glass and Paper Currency: 24-48 Hours (1-3 Days)
- Copper: 4 Hours
- Printing and Tissue Paper: 3 Hours
Before you become unnecessarily upset about the results listed above, please realize the following points:
- The results of these tests are certainly dependent on the conditions (temperatures, surfaces) that the tests were carried out in.
- The tests merely indicate that the virus does exist for extended periods of time no matter what the surface was. I come from a scientific background, and am aware that our environment always has the presence of many organisms that are potentially undesirable/harmful to us, it is the management of these conditions that keeps life going on “normally”.
- This is a fluid situation that requires careful consideration and logical management going forward. When I first became a dentist in 1981, HIV appeared and caused lots of fear and anxiety, now HIV has been studied, methods of infection control and spread control devised, and today this disease is manageable most of the time.
COVID-19 is able to be Removed /Killed by Common Household Detergents
The virus can be removed by any number of available household cleaning agents: bleach solutions, sterilization solutions used regularly in homes, hospitals and professional offices.
Study, Science, Experimentation, and Evaluation WILL Result in Management of and a Treatment for COVID-19
Like all Pandemics,this Virus took the world by surprise. Pandemics have occurred MANY times in history with different causes, Bubonic Plague, a bacterial disease carried by rat fleas, was the worst Pandemic of all time, killing 75-125 MILLION People, Spanish Flu, killing 100 MILLION People, HIV/AIDs 1981-Present has killed 35 Million People. The world has always suvivied, the key thing to realize, no matter how difficult this situation seems, is that “this too shall pass”.
Management Techniques are Important to slow the Rate of Infection
Having painted a grim situation, which COVID-19 most certainly is, the good news is that we have methods that will stop the rapid spread of the disease. Here are a few management techniques that will protect you from contracting a COVID-19 infection from “top to bottom”:
- Wear Face Masks– Despite the fact that I said that COVID-19 lives for up to week on the outside of a mask, THAT IS JUST WHERE YOU WANT IT TO LIVE RATHER THAN INSIDE OF YOU. The idea of a mask is to filter out water droplets and other vehicles of transmission of the virus. DO NOT TOUCH THE OUTSIDE OR INSIDE OF YOUR MASK other than to clean or dispose of it and WASH YOUR HANDS IMMEDIATELY AFTER TOUCHING IT.
- Wash Your Hands FREQUENTLY– The unbroken skin is natural barrier, protecting you from infection by the virus, but will pick up and carry viral particles from the surfaces you touch and transfer them to your mucous membranes (eyes, tear ducts, lips, and mouth) and lead to infection.
- Do Not Touch Your Face– Do not touch the face as there are mucous membranes there that are “the inroads to viral infection” there.
- Wear Gloves and Protective Clothing– These are your own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that cover you up when you go out in public and REMOVE THEM AT THE DOOR WHEN YOU COME HOME and WASH THEM IN HOT WATER AND DETERGENT. Don’t bring the virus into your home!
- Disinfect/Wipe Surfaces Frequently– Wiping the frequently touched surfaces in your home with disinfectant. THIS APPLIES TO GROCERIES AND OTHER “STORE BOUGHT GOODS” IN THEIR CONTAINERS, as they have been on the shelves, being coughed on, sneezed on, and handled with dirty hands!
- Practice Social Distancing– Though it is hard to do, distance yourself from other people. Now is the time to Skype and use FaceTime….not the same as being there, but safer for all!
Use this message as a guide….do your best to STAY SAFE! V Technical Textiles, Inc. can help you with your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needs. We make an excellent line of protective products including the Silverell® Face Mask, Silverell® Gloves, and Silver Saniwipe. Please select the highlighted products to be directed to our online shopping site or feel free to contact us to order these products if you have any questions. Thank you and Stay Safe!!
V Technical Textiles, Inc.
(315)-597-1674 PHONE
(315)-597-6687 FAX
Silverell® Face Mask Silverell® Gloves EnviroWipe Hand Silverell® Face Mask
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