EMC-Achieve it with Proper Shielding!
EMC-Achieve it with Proper Shielding! Electromagnetic Compatibility means that the electronic devices in a shared Electromagnetic Environment are able to perform together, without interfering with each other. The two main concerns are Emissions and Susceptibility. Emissions of RF radiation occur when any electronic device is operating. If the emissions are within the limits of applicable EMC standards, the device is compliant with the standard for emissions. If the RF emissions of the device are above the standard, the device is an “Emitter”. In order to comply with the EMC standards, the unacceptable emissions must drop to an acceptable level.
EMC-Achieve it with Proper Shielding! Susceptibility deals with the device’s ability to function optimally in the presence of RF emissions present in the shared electromagnetic environment. If the device is unable to function properly in an environment that meets the applicable EMC standards, the device is “Susceptible”. Alterations must be made, allowing the device to function properly in a “Standard Environment”.
EMC-Achieve it with Proper Shielding! Amazingly, Susceptibility and Emissions issues can disappear by using “Shielding Solutions”. Shielding solutions involve the use of metalized conductive fabrics to block the passage of RF interference. Wrapping a device that is an “emitter” with conductive fabric blocks the emission from leaving the device. On the other hand, wrapping a device that is “susceptible” with the same fabric stops the offending RF radiation from affecting the function of the device. Engineers love metalized fabrics due to their light weight, flexibility, and Shielding Effectiveness, providing great shielding performance in tight quarters. Conductive textiles differ in their shielding properties due to the metals that are applied to them. Please contact VTT for help in choosing the right shielding solution for you!
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