Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Practical!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing Results in Robust Products!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Practical!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Practical!  No one likes to do the same job twice!  It’s not efficient because it is a true waste of time.  Making sure the job’s done right the first time is the best way to proceed.  This is especially true in electronic components.  Electric components are made up of multiple electronic devices, working together smoothly.  Everyone knows that every electronic device has to pass EMC compliance testing before it can go to market.  EMC is achieved when all of the electronic devices in a shared electromagnetic environment are within acceptable limits of RF/EMI emission and susceptibility.  Many companies do not perform Pre-Compliance EMC testing, opting to wait until the device is complete.  The reasons given for not doing it are often financial.  Final EMC Compliance Testing is certainly expensive, often involving multiple trips to the testing facility.

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Practical!  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing is done at the development facility.  Certainly, the equipment for pre-compliance testing is costly, but it ultimately pays for itself.  Once equipment is purchased or leased, the tests are able to be done as often as needed.  Each step of product development can be checked and corrected before moving on to the next step.  That is where the practicality comes in!  Verifying each critical step removes backtracking to find missed errors from the picture, saving time and money!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Practical!  RF Shielded Enclosures provide the low-ambient environment necessary to perform Pre-Compliance Testing.  VTT is the world leader in quality soft sided RF Shielded Enclosures fabricated with Shieldex® conductive textiles.  The beauty of these enclosures is that they can be quickly assembled and disassembled, freeing up valuable space when testing is not in progress!  Often, Pre-Compliance Testing makes the mandatory Final Compliance Testing at a registered testing facility a “one and done” event.  If you are interested in doing Pre-Compliance Testing in your own facility, contact V Technical Textiles, Inc. for information on how you can save time and money in product development!

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Pre-Compliance EMC Testing                                                                 Pre-Compliance EMC Testing

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