Sometimes Disaster Shows Us How to Prepare Ourselves for the Future.

EMI/RFI Spell Trouble

Sometimes Disaster Shows Us How to Prepare Ourselves for the Future.

The COVID-19 Pandemic caught us unprepared for the level of the disaster that it represented.  We thought that we could “handle it” and that it wouldn’t be as bad for the United States as it was for those in other countries.  We were awakened from our naïve slumber roughly when COVID-19 reached our country.  We were caught without an adequate amount of medical supplies and equipment to allow our first responders and medical centers to deal with the high volume of patients that would be affected/infected by this virus.

Many established businesses found themselves retooling their manufacturing facilities and working to quickly develop a new supply chain of items that were desperately needed.  At V Technical Textiles, Inc., our role in this crisis was to manufacture face masks to help deal with the shortage of this necessary piece of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).  We designed a face mask that is washable, reusable, and effective.  As time goes forward, VTT has already made changes and “tweaks” in their design to provide a comfortable fit for all.  In the future, VTT will be designing, producing, and marketing an even better mask that will be true medical grade.

V Technical Textiles, Inc. realizes that the antimicrobial face mask is something that will now become a full-time part of our product line going forward and wants to make the best mask available on the market.  In addition to our Silverell® Adjustable Face Masks that come in three styles, we will also continue to develop different types of barrierl garments including Silverell® Socks, Silverell® Gloves, suitable for use by both the public and the healthcare industry going forward.  Home sanitation using products like the Silver EnviroWipe Hand Sanitizer will help to keep hands and surfaces clean.

What this crisis has taught us is to be better prepared for the next crisis, by stockpiling a large supply of non- perishable medical supplies on hand, an action/acquisition plan for temporary hospital facilities, and a plan to make sure that affected individuals are taken care of early on in the process.  Considering the size of the COVID-19 Pandemic, our country was poorly prepared, but the American people and businesses responded with the “American Ingenuity” that our country is famous for.  “Plan-Prepare-Perform” is a great adage to use and live by going forward!

VTT Silver Jersey Cotton Mask                                   Silverell Black Dress Socks                                  


V Technical Textiles, Inc.

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(315)-597-6687 FAX


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