You’re Doing a Great Job “Flattening the Curve”, VTT’s Antimicrobial Products can Make it Easier!
Our Basic Skills are Good, Continue the Great Work and Strive to Improve Your Routine!
Consider where our country was a month ago, COVID-19 was well into our country’s fabric of life. It has been estimated that a person with the infection spreads the infection to 2.5 people in 30 days if they follow the mitigation methods mentioned below and 406 people in 30 days if they don’t adhere to the following mitigation methods! Mitigation methods work!!
- Social Distancing
- Covering sneezes.
- Frequent hand washing for 20-30 seconds with soap.
- Cleaning commonly touched surfaces.
- Avoiding touching the face (COVID-19 infects through the mucous membranes on the mouth, nose, sinuses, and eyes) and affects the respiratory system primarily, and occasionally the liver and GI tract.
- Much more “Using your Head to Stop the Spread” of this virus.
“Flattening the Curve” means lowering the “steep exponential curve” of daily infections to a “flatter curve” by using the above mentioned mitigation methods. This would make the number of new cases of COVID-19 more manageable by our country’s Health Care System and Health Care Providers, as illustrated by the graph at the start of this article. Only in the last week and a half have we noticed a lowering of the number of new cases per day in New York City.
Look at where we are today, MOST people who are out and about shopping are wearing masks now, using gloves as barriers in public places, and wiping commonly touched surfaces before touching them. This is much more common in the fabric of our lives than ever before. Our efforts are decreasing the rapid spread of this virus. We’re not “through the woods” with this yet, so it’s important to keep up the great job and strive to do better, shortening the time until the world returns to “its new normal”.
Safe Grouping Techniques
We are a social people, but right now it’s just not safe to get together “face to face”. Our “social grouping” should be done in a “virtual setting” (FaceTime, Skype, Zoom Meetings, texting, and yes, even the telephone) which can allow us to attend meetings, exercise and school classes, church services, and family get-togethers. These meetings should be done using our “devices” to allow us to connect with people without passing the virus along to those we connect with. Use of this will likely continue to be more common in the future than it was prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Use Personal Protective Equipment and Add Antimicrobial PPE to your Arsenal.
Use of Masks, Gloves, Scrubs, and other versions of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is more important than ever. It is important to wash, clean, or dispose of these items as recommended to cut down the spread of infective agents. V Technical Textiles, Inc. has a great selection of Silverell® Adjustable Face Masks available with three different retention methods ( 3 Bead Lock Style, Toggle Lock Style, and Tie Style). Our Silverell® Gloves can be used as barrier protection of your hands and feet from microbial transfer when touching contaminated surfaces.
Surface Cleansing/Disinfecting
The COVID-19 virus survives on surfaces for varying amounts of time(Cardboard 24 hours, Plastic and Stainless Steel 72 hours, Copper 4 hours and in the air for 3 hours). Therefore, it is important to keep the many surfaces that you touch often very clean. Our Silver EnviroWipe Hand Sanitizer is a great item to carry with you in your pocket to use as a dry surface cleaner, and physical barrier between your hand and surfaces that you may come into contact with. Similarly, the Silverell® Gloves and Silverell® Socks mentioned above act as physical barriers, actively protecting your hands and feet from microbial transfer from contaminated surfaces. Any number of liquid cleaners containing regular soap, 60-70% ethanol and isopropyl alcohol (though it has been noted that some bacteria may be developing resistance to these items when they are not used at the correct concentration or manufactured properly), and diluted bleach (4 tsp/quart of water) work very effectively against COVID-19, damaging its protein coat and neutralizing the virus. Just be sure to make sure that the liquid cleaners will not harm the surfaces that you are using them on.
These Practices are NOT Actions that We can Cease as the Immediate Crisis Ends!
We’re now starting to consider the re-opening of the country. Remember what it took to stop this virus! It should be noted that most of the mitigation factors listed above, particularly washing hands frequently, covering sneezes, cleaning surfaces, and “Using our Heads to stop the Spread” will be what got us there! We can’t simply stop these basic practices that should now be part of “Normal Life” in our new world. We’re a strong country and people, and we must keep up the logical personal protective habits that will keep us this healthy!
V Technical Textiles, Inc.
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