Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Smart Preparation!
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Smart Preparation! There are many important tests in life! Smart preparation makes tests easier to pass! If you are developing new electronic products for the market, you know that passing a Final EMC Compliance Test is necessary to market your product. Final Compliance Certification means that your product will fit in smoothly with the shared electromagnetic environment that it will function in. The best way to prepare your device for the Final EMC Compliance test is to perform Pre-Compliance EMC Testing early and often in product development. This avoids “building in” EMC issues that will require backtracking to locate and correct.
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Smart Preparation! Pre-Compliance Testing consists of three tests: Emissions, Susceptibility, and Immunity. Emission Testing determines if the device is emitting EMI/RFI that is higher than the applicable standards for its device classification. If the device exceeds the limit, it is an “emitter” and measures to decrease the emissions are applied. Usually, the solution is using shielding materials to block the emissions. Susceptibility Testing determines whether the device’s performance is less than optimum in an acceptable electromagnetic environment. Again, the typical solution is shielding material to block the interference from affecting performance. The shielding materials that prevent interference are often conductive metalized textiles, which are lightweight and flexible, making them favorites of engineers.
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Smart Preparation! Immunity Testing involves testing the device making sure it is resistant to “electromagnetic phenomena” caused by other devices and connections. Here are Five Advantages of Pre-Compliance Testing. Obviously, it’s smart preparation to perform Pre-Compliance Testing to prepare your device ready for Final EMC Compliance Testing. The equipment necessary for Pre-Compliance testing is available for sale, rent, or lease. Call us today to learn more!
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