Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent Testing Options!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Enhance Product Development!

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent Testing Options!

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent EMC Testing Options!  These Enclosures are used in Pre-Compliance testing of new electronic equipment in the developmental stage.  They provide the perfect ambient-free environment necessary for this type of testing due to the “Faraday Cage Effect”.  The metalized conductive textiles used in making these enclosures block unwanted electromagnetic fields and waves inside of the enclosure.  The Device Under Testing (DUT) can then be operated in a “clean RF environment” to determine if normal operation of the device creates emission of frequencies of radiation that will effect the function of other components adversely.   If the DUT is found to be emitting frequencies of EMI that are outside applicable standards, the device is called an “emitter”.  A Shielding Solution needs to be designed for the device.  The Shielding Solution in this case is designed to block the unwanted frequency of EMI from being emitted by of the device into the component, eliminating the emission problem and allowing optimal function of the component.

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent EMC Testing Options because they allow the Device Under Testing (DUT), to be tested for the effect of specific wavelengths of radiation have on the device’s performance.  If the device is adversely affected by wavelengths that will be present in its operating area, the device is deemed “susceptible” to ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI).  This means that a Shielding Solution will be needed for the device.  This shielding solution prevents radiation of that wavelength prevents future interference by shielding/blocking the device from effects of the radiation of that wavelength.

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent EMC Testing Options due to their light weight and portability.  These characteristics allow the enclosure to be taken down and stored when not in use, something that can’t be done with brick and mortar structures.  This feature frees the space that the enclosure occupies during testing to be used for other purposes when Pre-Compliance testing is not being done.

If the reasons given above aren’t enough to convince you that Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent EMC Testing Options, consider the money and time that you will save by being able to do this Pre-Compliance Testing in house!  Money for the testing process itself and for travel expenses while bringing your device to and from the testing facility.  Having your own Testing Enclosure allows you to diagnose and correct your device, making the final compliance test pretty much a “one and done” event!

V Technical Textiles, Inc. can help you with your testing needs by building you the Portable RF Shielded Enclosure to suit your testing needs.  We do manufacture several standard sizes, but most of our enclosures are custom designed to your specific needs.  We also supply shielding materials and can help you with shielding solutions.  Please contact us for assistance in designing your enclosure!

V Technical Textiles, Inc.



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Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent Testing Options                             Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent Testing Options                       Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent Testing Options

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