Navigating EMC Testing

EMC Compliance Testing-what’s the Point?

EMC Compliance Testing-what's the Point?  Every electronic device must pass EMC Compliance Testing to make it to the market!  The reason for this requirement is to lessen the amount of RFI/ EMI in our environment.  More importantly, it is to lessen the RFI and EMI in our environment that adversely affects the function of other devices present in the shared electromagnetic environment.  All electronic devices emit RFI/EMI.  In general, electromagnetic interference doesn't cause a decrease in function of the devices...
Non-Woven Conductive Textiles-Very Useful!

Garments, Pouches, Shielding,-Conductive Textiles!

Garments, Pouches, and Shielding-Conductive Textiles!  The uses of conductive fabrics are many and varied.  Originally, the primary use of conductive metalized textiles was RF Shielding, allowing electronic devices to work together smoothly a shared electromagnetic environment.  All electronic devices emit electromagnetic radiation.  Depending on the frequency of the EMI/RFI, electronic devices can work together smoothly.  RF Shielding uses conductive textiles to block the offending frequencies that disturb normal function of a device.  Engineers love the flexibility of conductive textiles in...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing- Beneficial!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Smart Preparation!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Smart Preparation!  There are many important tests in life!  Smart preparation makes tests easier to pass!  If you are developing new electronic products for the market, you know that passing a Final EMC Compliance Test is necessary to market your product.  Final Compliance Certification means that your product will fit in smoothly with the shared electromagnetic environment that it will function in.  The best way to prepare your device for the Final EMC Compliance test is to perform...
Metalized Conductive Textiles Applications-Variety!

Do Conductive Textiles touch your Life?

Do Conductive Textiles touch your Life?  Most people will tell you that they don't!  The fact is they touch most of our lives on a daily basis.  Go out and get in your car and turn it on without buckling your seat belt.  That is a conductive textile telling you that you need to protect yourself and your passengers by buckling your seatbelt.  The conductive spacer material has sensed that you are in your seat, but the seatbelt is not...
Holistic Health uses for Metalized Textiles!

Wellness-does Clothing play a Role?

Wellness-does Clothing play a Role?  Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.  I like this definition because it allows people to be "well" though they may be clinically "sick".  V Technical Textiles, Inc. markets "Wellness Clothing".  I do believe that clothing can play a factor in wellness.  Clothing can make people feel better about themselves by providing them comfort and a positive self-image.  Our "Wellness Clothing" makes people...
Need a RF Shielded Enclosure? See VTT!

Pre-Compliance Testing- a Real Benefit!

Pre-Compliance Testing-a Real Benefit!  Preparation is the way to go when it comes to testing in general.  This is particularly true in the case of electronic products.  Starting with the prototype, it is smart to build Electromagnetic Compliance (EMC) into any new product.  It is best practice to incorporate basic EMC into the design of the product and run Pre-Compliance EMC testing starting early in development.  Waiting until your product is completely built to start testing it is a folly. ...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing- Beneficial!

Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development!

Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development.  It's true, the best way to develop an EMC compliant product is to build compliance into it from day one!  The EMC standards are specific and defined by regional, international, national, agencies.  They are defined by the type of product and the location(s) where the product will be used.  For each industry, there are different standards that apply to the amount of EMI/RFI a device can emit.  ALL electrical devices produce electromagnetic fields that interfere...
The Versatile uses of RF Shielded Curtains!

RF Shielding Curtains-many uses!

RF Shielding Curtains-many uses!  RF Shielding Curtains made with Conductive Metalized Textiles, block the passage or RFI/EMI.  This characteristic makes them useful in many ways!  One of the major uses of RF Shielding Curtains is in warehouses, where they make keeping accurate inventory records easy.  Areas of the warehouse can be "sectioned off" from other areas, eliminating "RF Crosstalk" between adjacent areas during scanning.    In a similar fashion, curtained separation of hospital telemetry areas enables wireless collection of vital...
Conductive Textiles are used Everywhere!

Conductive Textiles are used Everywhere!

Conductive Textiles are used Everywhere!  The medical field has many uses for conductive textiles.  Conductive metalized textiles act as sensors, measuring vital functions such as brain waves, and temperature.  Hospital beds become smart, sensing a patient leaving the bed.   Pressure sensing buttons summon nurses to the patient's room when necessary.  These even detect wetness of the bedding!  Metalized textiles are useful in physical therapy as electrodes applying current to stimulate muscles or nerves as part of the patient's healing and...
Relax in Protective Comfort-Silverell!

Relax in Protective Comfort-Silverell!

Relax in Protective Comfort-Silverell!  Winter is a cold season, and it's nice to relax in comfortable Silverell® Wellness Garments.  Garments made of Silverell® are comfortable due to the thermal conductivity of Silver, the most conductive element!  What makes these garments comfortable is the conductivity of the silver in the yarn taking your natural body heat and balancing it evenly thought the garment, eliminating "hot spots" and "cold spots", creating one comfortable temperature.  The resulting comfort from the warmth and the...