Pre-Compliance EMC Testing Creates Outstanding Products!
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing Creates Outstanding Products! We all know that new products must pass final EMC Testing prior to going to market. One of the best ways to assure passing this test is to build EMC into your product from the start of product development. Pre-Compliance EMC testing done early and often during development catches potential EMC issues early. Waiting until the product is complete often requires extensive backtracking to locate and mitigate many problems rather removing a potential issue before it takes a redesign to correct it. Pre-Compliance EMC Testing saves precious time and money in the development process.
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing Creates Outstanding Products! There are three main sections in EMC Pre-Compliance Testing:
Emission Testing- This test determines if the emissions from your device are compliant with the allowable standard for your type of device. If they are not compliant with allowable standards, a shielding solution is necessary to stop the unacceptable emissions.
Radiated Susceptibility Testing-This test determines if your device’s performance is affected by the allowable standard in your device’s shared electromagnetic environment. If your device’s performance is susceptible to allowable emissions, a shielding solution is necessary to block the emissions allow normal performance.
Conducted Phenomenon- This testing determines if your device is susceptible to conductible interference from power or other conductive interference sources. If your device is susceptible to conductible interference, filtering of the offending interference using shielding materials is necessary.
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing Creates Outstanding Products! Companies that employing this valuable tool during product development notice their products pass Final Compliance testing on the first try. Their products are also durable and receive high grades for customer satisfaction. Try it and find out!
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